A Return to Long-form Writing

 A few months ago I found myself especially tired of social media interactions.  I was tired of snippets.  Tired of communication being reduced to a fifteen seconds put to the same music. I started going to websites of folks who I originally had found through their blogs, but now followed on Instagram.  Most had not posted anything in the past several years. No new recipes.  No new garden or home tours.  No new thought pieces.  Then, I found one person had (Shaye Elliott of The Elliott Homestead).  She was tired of social media platforms determining the engagement potential of the thoughts she wanted to share.  She didn't like the character limit.  She was feeling the walls like I was.  Lately, I've had more and more of the  "content creators" I follow return to their blogs or start new blogs.  I'm ready for the change. I wonder the reason for this?  Perhaps it is the effect of getting older, wanting to slow down and go on a bit of a journey when reading rather than just have one flash after another.  Or maybe this is a universal cultural thing and everyone is just tired of the fast pace.  Either way, I'm sensing a change in how we consume Internet media as a culture.  

The first time blogging was a thing, everyone encouraged me to do it.  It seemed like everyone and their dog had a blog, so I didn't want to be like everyone else.  I'd like to write, though...so I'm going to give it a try.  


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