Becoming Something

I find myself waiting to become something before I can write.  I want to write.  I wish to express myself through the written word.  It is cathartic for me, and I feel like I often have something I need to share...even if no one else reads it.  Yet, I keep waiting.  I keep waiting until "something" happens.  "Something" that would make me feel like I am a qualified "someone"--that I've arrived in some way.

I wait, and I wait, and more people tell me I should blog, Instagram, anything to get my ideas and experiences out there.  But, still I hesitate.  I wait for something to happen.  I need to be "more." But "more" and "something" never come.  While I wait, life keeps happening.  What am I waiting to have happen?  I have experiences I could write about that might help others going through that experience.  I am a daughter of 29 years. I am a wife of five years.  I am a mother of a three year old.  I had major back surgery after a catastrophic injury revealed a congenital defect and spent the first 8 months of 2019 mostly confined to my bedroom. I have a house I am working to make a home.  I have so many experiences that I could talk about...and now I feel a different paralysis.  Namely, I'm wondering how I will catch up on my life.  There's so much I want to say.  Where do I start? Do I go back in time to present day?  Is it a common problem to have too much material as a writer?  I imagine so.

The online space is so filled with people talking.  Why do I feel like I have something different, special, worthy of saying?  The answer is I do not in particular.  No one really does.  God has given everyone a unique voice.   I am not going to apologize for "talking" in an already crowded space.  No, the Internet doesn't need me.  But, that's not why I am writing.  I am writing because I feel compelled from within to do so. 

I am slowly working on a blog redesign as I add new content.  Soon, I'll be changing the layout theme and archiving old posts.  I still go back and look at some of my recipes from when I had more time to simply play in the kitchen.  I will be launching an Instagram page as well to capture those quick life moments.  This will be a space about me and my life as a stay-at-home-mom and homemaker. 

Despite having been covered by snow and experiencing temperatures in the 'teens, these saffron crocus continue to bloom.


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