An Update

Has it really been almost a year since my last post?  Where has the time gone?!

Well...I'm married now.  We bought a nice brick ranch on a quiet dirt road.  It has a large workshop for Ben to fix cars in the winter.  I have a cute little garden with chives, oregano, 8 tomato plants of various heirloom shapes/sizes/colors, banana pepper plant, mini-red-bell pepper plant, four eggplants, a few struggling pea plants (I don't think they like the nearby day lilies), and a fall crop of carrots and radishes.  All of our plants came from friends or family this year.  Seeds were left over from last year.

Each week I am making food from our garden.  The most helpful plant is one that produces giant, meaty heirlooms.  Yesterday, I cooked down 6 of them in my dutch oven and have enough spaghetti sauce for 7-8 lunches.  I did this last week.  I will have a few more by the end of this week, so they might become sauce, too.  I pickled the first round of banana peppers in the fridge.  They taste good, but it is not a finished recipe.  That plant has surprised me, though.  I thought it was done for the year, but didn't have the heart to pull it out.   A few rainstorms later, and it has 4 inches of new growth and flowers!  Come on back bees!  The red bell peppers have made appearances on sandwiches, salads, scrambled eggs, risottos, meatballs, and just eaten plain.  The herbs have been wonderful!  Word of advice, though, cut off all of the chive heads before they dry out and go to seed and turn your garden floor into a baby chive nursery...the flowers are delicate and edible and great in salads!   The yellow and purple tomatoes have been on sandwiches mostly.  I have also cut them in quarters and sprinkled them with salt and pepper to eat plain.  The red cherry and yellow pear tomatoes are usually in salads, but also tossed in with the occasional refrigerator pasta dish.  The red cherry and yellow tomatoes are my favorites this year so far.  :).  The biggest eggplant is about 4 inches long.  It is purple with white speckles.  I have a lot of them on the plants in various sizes.  I am excited about eating those!

I'll get some recipes up soon.  It's been crazy moving for the first time!  My poor parents are still housing some of my stuff.  But, that will all be brought home soon!  Hopefully.

Blogging vision:
Healthful living products (I am a consultant for Norwex now.)
Maybe a list of my "favorites" every now and then


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